How to relieve stress

What's stress ? 

STRESS , 6 letters but a huge pressure ,stress is generally used when the person have those feelings that everything else in the world becomes too much , everything becomes a challenge . When you feel overloaded probably after work or whatever and you feel that everything is a burden , that's what stress is . 

What causes stress ? 

  *- Insecurity or the instability 

   *- The "it must " , the feeling of being obliged to do things .

   *-  feeling  powerless towards situations .

   *-  low self-confidence .

   *- Noise , pollution and bad environment . 

   *- Routine , espacially at work 

How stress affects your body 

As human beings , we must work , move and  be active but when it happens to have stress , that all disappears . Stress reduces the efficacity , creativity and all the capacities to work on group . 

Continous stress may causes 

- insomnia and sleeping troubles

- headaches and nerve problems 

- heart problems 

- hair fall 

- lack of concentration 

- a bad memory
ect ... 

Stress dangers are hard to limit and count , in general stress reduces all your chances to live a healthy life and makes all your decisions hard to take . What make controling your stress a necessity , so here are some tips that can help :

Tips to relieve stress : 

-Eat healthy food : healthy food is one of the main factors to keep you in a good

- keep smiling   : whatever may happen , just keep the smile on your face , that will give away the bad thoughts and stress . 

- Take a break : if you're working hard or having some sort of routine , take a break , go somewhere else , change your place , go on a trip , discover other places ...

- Go to the sea : based on my personal experience , I highly recommend going to the sea , see is one of the most places that will make you chill out and forget everything else about the society and your life . 

- Do some YOGA : yoga is generally known to remove the bad energy on your body , so if you feel stressed play on some soft music , and do some yoga . 

-Do some running : running can also remove all the bad energy from your body , so whenever you feel stressed or you aren't in the mood , just go outside and run . 

-Massage : tell someone to do you a massage or go to one of those massage centers , massage can really really make you in a good mood again and relieve stress . 


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